Copyright Terms

The International Journal for Refugee, Minority, and Gender Studies (IJRMGS) is dedicated to the dissemination of high-quality scholarly research under the principles of open access and academic freedom. The following copyright terms are designed to ensure that authors, the journal, and the broader academic community benefit from the works published while maintaining the rights of authors over their contributions.

Author Rights

  1. Copyright Ownership: Authors retain copyright of their published works. IJRMGS encourages authors to share their work widely while ensuring the journal is appropriately credited as the original place of publication.
  2. License to Publish: Authors grant IJRMGS a license to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher. This includes the right to make the work available in all forms and media.

Distribution and Sharing

  1. Creative Commons Licensing: Articles published in IJRMGS are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). This license allows others to share, copy, distribute, and transmit the work, adapt or make derivative works, and make commercial use of the work, provided the original work and publisher are appropriately credited.
  2. Self-Archiving: Authors are encouraged to deposit the published version of their work in institutional repositories or on their personal websites, with a link to the original source on the IJRMGS website.


  1. Re-use of Own Work: Authors wishing to re-use their content for subsequent scholarly projects are not required to obtain permission from IJRMGS. However, citation of the original publication in IJRMGS is required.
  2. Third-Party Material: It is the author's responsibility to obtain permission for any third-party material included in their manuscript. This includes text, images, and data.

Protection of Scholarly Integrity

  1. Plagiarism and Fabrication: IJRMGS takes issues of plagiarism and fabrication very seriously. Manuscripts are screened for plagiarism before publication, and any work found to violate ethical standards will be retracted or not published.
  2. Corrections and Retractions: The journal reserves the right to make corrections to or retract published articles in cases of error, fraud, or violation of ethical standards.

Use of Published Material

  1. Quotations: Material from articles published in IJRMGS may be quoted without permission, provided that full citation is given and the use is non-commercial.
  2. Commercial Use: Requests for commercial use or translation rights should be directed to the journal’s editorial office.

By submitting their work to the International Journal for Refugee, Minority, and Gender Studies, authors agree to these copyright terms, ensuring their research is disseminated widely and responsibly under the auspices of a supportive and ethical academic publishing framework.