Prevalence And Risk Assessment Of Infectious Diseases Among Afghan Refugees
Infectious diseases, Refugees, Risk factors , Health care systemAbstract
is one of the largest Afghan refugee’s hosting countries in the world which has a huge impact on its economy, security, politics, and health care system. The influx of immigrants has adversely affected the already fragile and overburdened medical care system of the country, thereby affecting the health status of both local residents and refugees. It is, therefore, important to identify the key prevailing infectious diseases among the refugees and the associated risk factors to prevent outbreaks, thus reducing the burden on the local healthcare system. A cross-sectional survey was carried out in Afghan Refugees villages in Peshawar KP, Pakistan during the months Aug and Sep 2023 to gather data regarding the prevalence of infectious diseases (Dengue, Respiratory tract infections, eye infection, Malaria, and Measles) along with the risk factors (sociodemographic, sources of water/food, sanitation, and health care facilities). Our results showed that malaria was the most common disease followed by dengue, strep throat, skin infections, and eye infections. Waste disposal, low economic status, and lack of proper food and water storage were among the major risk factors associated with infectious diseases. Moreover, access to safe drinking water, language barriers, and lack of proper balanced diets were also among the major problems faced by refugees. The results of this project will help develop a decision support system for health-care workers and policymakers to prevent, control, and effectively treat infectious diseases and associated outbreaks in Afghan refugee camps.
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